Bartenbach is an Austrian SME with international experience in lighting design, research and development. It has completed more than 10,000 lighting design projects worldwide; it is the Austrian representative in different IEA SHC Tasks, owns over 100 patents, received several awards for R&D lighting projects, and participated in more than 100 national & 30 EU relevant projects.
Bartenbach is a leading international lighting consultant and R&D provider in day- and artificial lighting. It incorporates following divisions:
Lighting design (architects, designers and engineers);
Lighting solutions department (designers, engineers and technicians);
R&D department (physicists, mathematicians, engineers, psychologists);
Academy (training seminars, “world of light” exhibition, Uni symposia,…).
Bartenbach is well known for its functional and scientific based lighting design projects, for the development of new lighting solutions and technologies, and for its studies on visual perception and on light & health. This knowledge and the highly skilled technical and scientific employees allow the company to resolve complex lighting and building design tasks.
Bartenbach GmbH
Rinner Straße 14 , A- 6071 Aldrans
Telephone: +43 0512 3338336
Arbeitsfokus im Projekt: Relevanz von Photovoltaik in der Tageslichtplanung, Forschung zu Tageslicht und Bauphysik
DI (FH) Dr. Martin Hauer, (Projektleitung BIM4BIPV, Forschung zu Tageslicht und Bauphysik)
DI Johannes Weninger (Leiter Forschung)