BIM4BIPV is a Research Project by TU Wien

funded by the “City of the Future” program by the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology represented by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG).

  • TU Wien (Project management)

    Architect DI Astrid Schneider and DI Dr. Karin Stieldorf have been working on aspects of energy-conscious building for many years and are the initiators of the research project.

    Astrid Schneider is an expert in building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) and is involved in IEA Task 15.

    Karin Stieldorf is an expert in energy-conscious and ecological construction and leads the master course in sustainable construction at the ACE of the TUW.

    TUW- Institute for Architecture and Design

    Karlsplatz  13, 1040 Wien

    Telephone: +43 (0) 1588010


    Focus in the project:

    Project management

    Arch Astrid Schneider

    E-Mail: i.R. Univ.Lektorin techn. Karin Stieldorf


  • ACCA software SpA

    ACCA software is one of the world’s leading producers of software and services for the architecture, engineering and construction industries…

    A unique company providing the international markets with cutting-edge software solutions addressing all aspects of construction design, execution and maintenance.

    Customers can find innovative answers to their needs; from architectural design, structural engineering, analysis and calculations, energy performance analysis, quantity surveying through to construction site health and safety, maintenance and BIM process management.

    ACCA is a buildingSMART Multinational Member: all of ACCA’s BIM software are IFC certified by buildingSMART International to ensure the correct use of data in an openBIM® process.

    ACCA software S. p. A.

    Contrada Rosole, 13

    83043 BAGNOLI IRPINO (AV) – Italy

    Telephone: +39 082769504


    Focus in the project:
    Simulation of photovoltaic systems

    Andrea Aiello


    Fedele Rende


  • A-NULL Development GmbH

    A-NULL Development specialises in the development and provision of software solutions for the architecture and civil engineering sector. The focus is on the two products ArchiPHYSIK and ArchiAVA, which are specially tailored to the needs of construction professionals (architecture and civil engineering). As part of these activities, research work has been carried out for years on the optimal utilisation of data mapping and data flow within the BIM methodology.

    A-NULL Development GmbH

    Bloch-Bauer-Promenade 23, A- 1100 Wien


    Focus in the Project: Strategies for integrating building-integrated photovoltaic planning into the BIM world

    DI Kurt Battisti (CEO)


  • Bartenbach lighting design

    Bartenbach is an Austrian SME with international experience in lighting design, research and development. It has completed more than 10,000 lighting design projects worldwide; it is the Austrian representative in different IEA SHC Tasks, owns over 100 patents, received several awards for R&D lighting projects, and participated in more than 100 national & 30 EU relevant projects.

    Bartenbach is a leading international lighting consultant and R&D provider in day- and artificial lighting. It incorporates following divisions:

    Lighting design (architects, designers and engineers);

    Lighting solutions department (designers, engineers and technicians);

    R&D department (physicists, mathematicians, engineers, psychologists);

    Academy (training seminars, “world of light” exhibition, Uni symposia,…).

    Bartenbach is well known for its functional and scientific based lighting design projects, for the development of new lighting solutions and technologies, and for its studies on visual perception and on light & health. This knowledge and the highly skilled technical and scientific employees allow the company to resolve complex lighting and building design tasks.

    Bartenbach GmbH

    Rinner Straße 14 , A- 6071 Aldrans

    Telephone: +43 0512 3338336



    Arbeitsfokus im Projekt: Relevanz von Photovoltaik in der Tageslichtplanung, Forschung zu Tageslicht und Bauphysik

    DI (FH) Dr. Martin Hauer, (Projektleitung BIM4BIPV, Forschung zu Tageslicht und Bauphysik)


    DI Johannes Weninger (Leiter Forschung)


  • buildingSMART Austria

    buildingSMART is a global community of chapters, members, partners and sponsors led by the parent body, buildingSMART International. The buildingSMART community is committed to creating and developing open digital ways of working for built asset environment. buildingSMART standards help asset owners and the entire supply chain work more efficiently and collaboratively through the entire project and asset lifecycle.

    buildingSMART is the worldwide authority driving the digital transformation of the built asset environment, through creation and adoption of open, international standards for infrastructure and buildings. buildingSMART provides the perfect opportunity to help industry visionaries transform the design, delivery and operation of tomorrow’s built assets. buildingSMART Is committed to driving change through the use of standards and the adoption of digital workflows.

    International open digital data-sharing standards are critical to this transformation, helping businesses – owners, architects, engineers, contractors and operators – become global industry leaders, while also mitigating risks, saving time, and reducing costs. buildingSMART is an open, neutral and international not-for-profit organisation.

    Building Smart

    Eschenbachgasse 9, A- 1010 Wien

    Telphone: +43 676 840 350 100


    Focus in the Project:

    IFC Items Declaration

    Ing. Mag. Alfred Waschl (Board spokesman)

    E- Mail:

  • Sonnenkraft GmbH

    Sonnenkraft is a manufacturer and system provider of solar solutions from Austria.

    Their aim is to turn every building into a solar energy powerhouse. In addition to standard modules, Sonnenkraft also produces individual modules for building integration. The company’s focus is on innovative ideas, technologies, investments and visions as well as their implementation. In production and sales, emphasis is placed on sustainability and resource-saving, long-lasting products and systems.

    Sonnenkraft Energy GmbH

    Solarstrasse 1, A- 9300 St. Veit/Glan

    Telephone: +43 (0) 4212 28 300 603


    Work focus in the project: Planning custom-made solar modules

    Markus Feichtner (Senior Product Manager R&D )


  • E235-Institute of Construction Process and Construction Economics

    The research unit Digital Building Process deals with the digitalisation of construction processes in an interdisciplinary way in research and teaching. In doing so, we collaborate with research partners within and outside the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and industry partners. The research unit Digital Building Process is a central contact point for research collaboration with the construction and software industries.

    TU Wien | Digitaler Bauprozess
    Karlsplatz 13/E235-03, Stiege 2 | EG | AE EG 09, A- 1040 Wien, Österreich

    Telephone: +43 1 58801 23531


    Work focus in the project: further development and application of openBIM in building processes and building structures.

    Associate Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Christian Schranz, M.Sc.
    E- Mail:

    Assistant Prof. DI. Dr.techn. Harald Urban

    E- Mail: 

  • Treberspurg and Partners ZT GmbH

      Aesthetics, quality of life and sustainability characterize the projects of Treberspurg & Partner Architekten. For over thirty years, the office has been one of the most innovative representatives of sustainable construction far beyond the borders of Austria. The focus is on energy-efficient residential and educational buildings, the thermal renovation and restoration of historical buildings as well as urban planning based on solar energy aspects. The team looks back on decades of know-how in the area of ​​passive solar energy use and passive house technology.

      Treberspurg & Partner Architekten ZT GmbH

      Penzingerstrasse 58, 1140 Wien

      Telefon: +43 1 894 31 91 12

      Work focus in the project: Multidisciplinary planning of building-integrated PV in the context of BIM

      Arch DI Dr. Martin Treberspurg

