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Insight Sience Digital findet Stadt

Contents of the workshop:

The role of solar power generation using photovoltaics in Austria, State-of-the-art building-integrated PV planning, Daylight planning, energy certificate, calculation and photovoltaic simulation of BIPV in the context of BIM today, Current strategies of the research project “BIM4BIPV”, Discussion with project advisory board and stakeholders

The aim of the workshop is to put ideas and strategies of the project up for discussion in an early project phase, but at the same time to provide an outlook on future challenges for the photovoltaics and construction industry.

Questions that will be discussed and answered in the workshop:

What is the current status of planning for building-integrated photovoltaics and where should the journey lead?

How can building-integrated photovoltaics be used in an interdisciplinary planning process directly in the BIM model?

Which use cases are possible by planning PV systems in BIM?


09:00 | inlet

09:30 | greeting Steffen Robbi, Digital Finds City and Karin Stieldorf, TU Vien

09:40 | The solar strategy of the city of Vienna Anna Aichinger, City of Vienna – MA 20

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10:00 | BIPV planning using the example of the Püspök project Andreas Doser, ad2 architects ZT

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10:20 | Planning of building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) today and the research project BIM4BIPV Astrid Schneider, TUW, Institute for Architecture and Design

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10:40 | Multidisciplinary planning of building-integrated PV in the context of BIM Architectural planning  | Christoph Treberspurg, Treberspurg & Partner Architects ZT

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Daylight planning | Martin Hauer, Bartenbach

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Photovoltaic simulation | Fedele Rende, ACCA Software S.p.A.

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Energy certificate creation | Markus Dörn, A-NULL Development

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Planning custom-made solar modules | Markus Feichtner, solar power

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11:30 | coffe break

12:00 | Photovoltaics in architectural software David Udovcic, A-Zero construction software

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12:10 | Strategies to bring BIPV planning into the “BIM world”. Kurt Battisti, A-NULL Development & buildingSMART Austria

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12:30 | Discussion round

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13:00 | Lunch together

1:45 p.m. | Guided tour of Aspern Seestadt